Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Where To Buy Theater Style Nacho Cheese

Support for undertaking fundamental research projects in any subject area

The Ministry of Science and Innovation ( MICINN ) announces aid for projects of non-oriented basic research in 2011. There are two types of projects: Projects

A: Projects for young researchers with relevant scientific and technical contributions. Required the following requirements:

- Having a child under 41 years old to 31 December 2011.
- IP not being funded by the National R + D + i for a period exceeding one year.
- Have a unique dedication to the project requested.

Project B: Group Research Projects traditional users of this subprogramme.
not apply any specific condition, except for the generic subprogram. Endowment

The estimated amount of 430,000 million euros. Eligible costs are considered contract employees and accessories devoted to the project implementation costs salariales.Los (scientific and technical equipment, library materials, consumables, travel and subsistence expenses, including expenses for seminars and scientific conferences, visits and stays visiting scholars for short periods of time and in relation direct project costs ° and use of general support services for research and major scientific facilities requirements).

Research Team Principal Investigators must have a doctorate degree. For IP connection should be indefinite and have a dedicated full-time or part-time at least 800 hours annually.

Other team members: Category A: Doctors or graduate research perform functions related to the beneficiary by statutory or employment relationship of indefinite duration. Category B: Other staff belonging to the beneficiary (if the staff had part-time work, it must be at least 250 hours). This section also includes research staff associated with the project by supporting the EPIF host. Terms

are three deadlines for submission of requests based on subject area:
Since December 27, 2010 until January 24, 2011:

Materials Science and Technology (TM.Ciencias Computer and Information Technology (INF). Civil Engineering and Architecture (ICI). Electrical Engineering and Automation (IEL). Mechanical Engineering, Naval and Aeronautical (IME). Mathematics (MTM). Chemistry (QMC). Electronics and Communications Technology (COM). Chemical Technology (TQ)

From December 30, 2010 until January 27, 2011:

Science Education (EDU). Earth Sciences (CT). Social Science (CS)
Law (DER). Economics (ECO). Philology and Philosophy (FFI). Physics and Space Sciences (FI). History and Arts (HA). Psychology (PS).

From January 3, 2011 until January 31, 2011:

Agriculture (AGR). Fundamental Biology and Systems (BFS). Plant Biology, Animal and Ecology (BVA). Biomedical (BMED). Science and Food Technology (TA). Livestock and Fisheries (GAN). Clinical Medicine and Epidemiology (MCLI)



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