beneficiary of the total companies, 60% are SMEs in the province of Valencia, Alicante 24% and the rest of the province of Castellón.
The Check Management is a pioneering initiative in the Region that allows companies to hire consulting advisory services to accredited IMPIVA, in collaboration with key personnel of the company, to develop measures of business innovation for competitive improvement and screening new business opportunities.
The IMPIVA funds 75% of the value of the services contracted by companies to a maximum 10,500 euros.
46% of the beneficiaries provide advisory contract for the incorporation of new business management methods to improve and optimize human resources, productivity or channels of communication and coordination of the company.
And 23% of services are expected to hire plans for innovation, upgrading and developing business models for future opportunities.
Similarly, 12% of the shares will develop in the food sector, 10% in the metal-lighting, chemicals 8% and 7% in textiles, wood, furniture and construction among others .
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