1st. Steps to Starting a Business
1st. Steps to Starting a Business :
1. IDENTIFY the sector in which you would like to act, and expanding markets.
2. Check if there is business potential in the place where you plan to install.
3. DEFINE which profile your target customer's product or service.
4. Investigate the needs of their customers and the features your product or service should occur.
5. SET competitive differentiation for your product or service.
6. Evaluate your potential suppliers.
7. Study the size of your competition and stay away from areas known for grandes.
8. HAGA UN RELEVAMIENTO de los recursos (financieros, humanos, materiales) que serán necesarios para adecuarse a su mercado.
9. ELABORE un plan de negocios analizando los posibles riesgos.
10. ELIJA un buen punto comercial para la ubicación de su empresa.
11. PREFIERA equipamientos o máquinas usadas para empezar (pero en buen estado).
12. OPTE por una estructura modesta en la que la principal fuerza de trabajo sea usted.
13. HAGA una reserva financiera para sus gastos personales y trate de no retirar dinero en los primeros seis meses.
14. SEPARE sus cuentas personales de las cuentas del negocio.
15. INVESTIGUE lo que establece la ley para su ramo de actividad y para la apertura de la empresa.
16. READ the consumer protection rules and adjust their activities to a set standards.
17. DEFINE your marketing strategy and communications.
18. Be invested in quality and customer service. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh8LlzwiHxg
10 Tips for this business idea
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Video: Learn to undertake
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esiptSnFek8&feature = related
Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Vs Entrepreneur http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sbihawo7RY&feature=related
How I Generate Business Ideas?
Every business starts with a good idea. But many are unclear how to conceive. Keep an observer and creative attitude you close to the formula.
Creativity is a way of seeing things differently, do something new and better solutions to everyday problems. Therefore, listen, analyze, question, out of the paradigms, to be less formal, more loose and spontaneous, accepting new ideas, be proactive and innovative are some of the attitudes to be taken.
1. Own skills in many cases, the first thing a person should do when it comes to generating business ideas is a list of their skills, knowledge and education. A starting point is to take that idea that best match these skills. To set, ask yourself questions about yourself and record your answers. For example, what kind of things you enjoy? Would you rather do on a day off? What has always said that you want to do someday? What are the things that others will recognize? If you could design your perfect day, what would you do? What kind of things you dislike? Take the time to write their strengths and weaknesses, their likes and dislikes.
2. Brainstorming
Having identified your skills, play brainstorming. Record companies would agree with them. Almost all firms fall into one of three categories: produce, distribute products or provide services. Think about what attracts him more, and from this, take the decision.
Brainstorming is a way to generate as many as possible in a very short time by leveraging the power of the group and individual creativity. These ideas agree not discussed during the proceedings, not criticized the proposals of others, pets of any kind and quantity is important.
The method is to write all the ideas you group occur in a period of 30 minutes. After individually analyzing each of them to clarify and combine them into related categories. On the whole vote for each option and thus will be a list with the best ideas.
Other methods can also generate new business if you think about:
A. Problems / Needs: A large number of business ideas born of the problems that arise in daily life.
Make a list of problems or needs in the sites / activities. In college, at the gym, traveling, cooking, watching TV, on the bus, in the car. Once you have this list, choose a group problems or needs and try to find solutions through brainstorming.
B. Wishes: In the same way as in the previous step, identify those desires that people have everyday. The desires differ from the needs that are not essential for life.
C. Think of a product or service and try to generate new business ideas from:
- Change: What could replace the approach, materials, ingredients or aspect?
- Merge: What could be combined with an existing idea? Materials, attributes, colors, flavors.
- Adapt: \u200b\u200bWhat do you think of this idea? What could be copied?
- Increase or minimize: What if you add, lengthen or decrease?
- used for other purposes: "How else could use?
- Eliminate: What could be undone?
- Invest or reorder: What could move or look the other way around? For example, the heater is the opposite of the refrigerator. CUSTOMERS
Before evaluating their ideas and implement them, keep in mind that customers are most important. It is therefore necessary to investigate whether your product or service would have required buyers. Consider if you are offering meets a need of the society. To do this, you can conduct an investigation direct questions in malls, by mail or telephone. Ask people you know if you need your product or service, what they're looking into it and how much they were willing to pay. If possible, talk to some business people working in this industry for a better overview of the features, capabilities and customer needs.
However, finding a good business idea is just the beginning. You must work hard to achieve success in implementation. As Einstein said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99 perspiration." That is as true in business as in science. Then, act. (From Money magazine)
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