A few days ago I read in ' Simple Things' a collection of online tools for diagrams, flowcharts and concept maps, some of which are already known and used, and I decided to do a screen capture of the most interesting ( from my point of view), test and comment briefly here. On this subject I wrote a post on a website, linked to wikipedia, concept maps generated automatically call WikiMindMap .
Well, let's get ... ..
Bubbl.us is, of which recopidadas, the least likely, but the tradeoff is simple to use, intuitive and does not require registration in order to make the diagrams.
In the screenshot you can see the appearance of the diagrams, and the options displayed by placing the cursor over each of the blocks. As shown, the options are minimal.
Flowcahart , still in beta, has going for it which is a collaboration tool that allows several users belonging to the same real-time in creating diagrams. Disadvantages, there is little information on the website of the same (still unfinished) how will the project paths, so it is not known whether it will remain as a tool for free use.
The user interface is very complete, includes many options and the ability to include images in the chart. Their use requires free registration (for now).
Gliffy Is a tool I've used on occasion with more than satisfactory results. Can export diagrams to various image formats (such as png or jpg) or Visio program format (SVG). As an additional feature, to publish our work with a code to include in our web.
As shown in the screenshot the options menu is very complete (the right side has not been included in the catch due to lack of space, but consists of a series of windows with the properties of the edition to be changed). You can practically do everything. You may incorporate images of their own database application (Elements of user interface, networking, reliance, ...) directly from the user's hard drive or through the results of a search on yahoo images.
Mindmeister . Its use is simple, but the tradeoff has posca features. Of note, we assign icons to the provisions in the diagram to indicate mood, importance, .... Requires free registration for use.
The appearance of the user interface is quite nice and easy to use, but with few options.
Mindomo is after Gliffy, the most versatile of them all. The aspect of our diagrams is completely configurable, from the type, size, background color and text to the shape of the tables, globes, graphs, etc. Besides the inclusion of images from any source, we include in our project notes on the development of the icons of progress or importance, and even links to the web.
The appearance of the tool, as shown in the capture is superb. A shortcoming in performance, sometimes the positioning of each element generates a 'little war' with the system. As a note for, say that it is capable of exporting to various graphic formats and other formats such as pdf, rtf or plain text. Requires free registration.
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