Monday, March 29, 2010

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Before you know it costs to look at an example when operations are not well controlled this http:/ /

costs operating and financing costs should be calculated as total and as unit costs. In most pre-investment studies consider only operating costs and total funding.

all cost elements that are part of operating costs and funding have been described previously. What to do now is to gather, in order to achieve the total operating costs, these costs are divided enter main categories.

Cost of sales (or production sold)

    materials and inputs (variable costs)
    raw material (not processed and / or semi)
    materials and industrial components made
    auxiliary materials and factory supplies
    Services (water, electricity, gas, etc.).
    materials, direct labor (in general, variable costs). Should include compensation, benefits, allowances, bonuses and other payments related to a wage or salary.
    manufacturing overheads (usually fixed)
    indirect labor
    Material auxiliary fuels, lubricants, cleaning supplies, etc..
    Office Supplies Services: energy, communications
    repair and maintenance Insurance Leases
    Depreciation of Buildings, machinery and equipment, vehicles, tools and furniture and fixtures.

Operating Expenses Expenses
      general administrative salaries and wages
      Office Supplies Communications Services
      engineering costs
      Insurance (property)
      Taxes (real estate)


      Training vendors and merchants
      post sales services
Overhead distribution

      containers and packaging and freight transport
    Amortization of deferred
    . These expenses relate to the amortization of pre-operating expenses or investments redeemable.

Borrowing costs Interest on loans from suppliers

    Interest on bank loans


defined as one in which the sale price equals the unit cost. Fixed costs

are those whose magnitude does not depend on the total volume of production or utilization level of a given process or service.

Variable costs are those that depend on the level of production, not necessarily in proportion.

is very common to consider in the wrong way, which are variable costs that vary proportionately with the level of production, but not always. There are costs that remain constant for production volumes between given limits and others that vary with the volume of production, ie, dependent on the total units produced. DEPRECIATION

Depreciation is defined as wear, deterioration, aging, and the inadequacy or obsolescence suffered tangible goods as time passes. Legal aspects

The depreciation of an asset is closely linked, on one hand with the quality and durability enabled by the use to which s elements intended and, secondly, the intensity of work and workers who use in the work process. However, given the difficulty of establishing depreciation schedules rigorously consistent with these situations, the law states: Life

likely tangible assets:

      is property (excluding land): 20 years
      If you are furniture: 10 years
      aircraft or vehicles: 5 years

The taxpayer has the possibility of asking the general director of taxes from your country authorization of a different lifetime.

General methods of depreciation

      straight line (fixed annual fee according to the asset's useful life on a fixed or historical cost also)
      reduction balances (fixed rate according to life on the balance depreciable asset.
      Other recognized value method authorized by the national tax director for the country.

The depreciation increased by 25% for every extra turn to normal work (8hrs per day), if life turns out to be less than the use for reasons of obsolescence, depreciation can be increased by end of useful life left to the asset.

Some countries have established that the assets acquired during a given year and after that time they have not been acquired use in the country, may be depreciated by equal annual installments or unequal lifetime, provided that none exceed 40% of the cost. AMORTIZATION

Under tax law, depreciation is a deduction to eligible "taxpayers to establish, install or build an industrial or agricultural, conduct constituting direct or indirect costs of investments necessary for Profits "

expenditures depreciable or amortizable investment, are called capital expenses prior to production or pre-operating expenses. Amortization of pre-operating expenses is made in a minimum term of 5 years, unless it is shown that given the nature of the activity or its duration, the amortization must be done in a shorter time.

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WORKING CAPITAL Working capital required for a project is the difference between current assets and current liabilities:

Working Capital = Current Assets - Liabilities To calculate current

must define the minimum requirements required by the business or company regarding current assets and current liabilities are concerned. In addition, you must know, for each of the periods of analysis of the project the total value of the following items: Current Assets

    Cash on hand and in banks Accounts receivable
    stocks or inventories Materials and supplies
    goods Finished goods

Current Liabilities Accounts payable


    Land: includes land value, taxes, notary fees, paid only by easement or right of way , etc.
    Preparation and conditioning of the site or grounds: includes the study of soils, release of land or earth moving, drainage works, drilling of wells, access roads, railroad terminals, work in urban terrain (streets , water and sewerage, other utilities), systems for the treatment of effluents or contaminated water.
    buildings, structures and civil engineering works: includes, besides the buildings of the plant or production centers, office buildings and ancillary services.
    Machinery and equipment: includes basic equipment, auxiliary equipment, equipment services, including laboratory, power plant, maintenance shop, tools.
    Installation of equipment: The costs for installation of machinery and equipment and transport to the plant, are part of the investment in the project. Includes: transportation costs and marine insurance, unloading and warehousing in the port, land transport and insurance, installation costs relating to salaries, energy and rental of special equipment such as cranes, welders, portable power plants , etc.
    incorporated Fixed Assets: includes lump sum payments by patents and commercial goods, by grants, for special rights. The annual payment of royalties are recorded as an operating cost in the general administrative expenses item.

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    preliminary expenses and share issue capital. They consist of:
    • incorporation and registration expenses of the company, included attorneys' fees.
    • The preparation and publication of prospectuses
    • advertising costs and advertising
    • The cost of testing applications for the purchase of shares and assign them.
    • fees of attorneys and other professionals on loan applications, contracts of sale of land, etc.
  • Expenditure on preparatory studies. Namely:
    • Opportunity study, feasibility, and support Defectivity or functional.
    • consultant fees for the preparation of studies, engineering and supervision of installation and construction activities.
  • pre-production expenses. Viz
    • salaries, fringe benefits and personal contributions by way of social benefits during the period prior to production. Travel
    • interim facilities
    • product promotion costs, pre-production, creation of a network of sales and promotional propaganda
    • training costs, including travel, per diem, salaries and expenditures of participants , fees paid to outside organizations
    • Interest on loans paid during the pre-investment and investment phases
  • test operating expenses, initiation and implementation
  • Contingencies. are scattered minor items (fire or other insurance for the period of assembly) and a lump sum to cover unforeseen contingencies in formulating the project, which can be estimated at 10% of the sum of all those items .

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which is a fixed investments


answer to one of my commentators

Within fixed investments include the following:

    Value of land for the establishment
    value of site preparation and packaging
    value of buildings and civil engineering works
    value of natural resources that are purchased once (mineral deposits, forests or other)
    Value of machinery and plant equipment, including auxiliary equipment
    value of the installation of the equipment value
    Value of furniture and
    value of certain fixed assets built, such as patents, copyrights and the like

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Prom Digital Playground

1st. Steps to Starting a Business

1st. Steps to Starting a Business :

1. IDENTIFY the sector in which you would like to act, and expanding markets.
2. Check if there is business potential in the place where you plan to install.
3. DEFINE which profile your target customer's product or service.
4. Investigate the needs of their customers and the features your product or service should occur.
5. SET competitive differentiation for your product or service.
6. Evaluate your potential suppliers.
7. Study the size of your competition and stay away from areas known for grandes.
8. HAGA UN RELEVAMIENTO de los recursos (financieros, humanos, materiales) que serán necesarios para adecuarse a su mercado.
9. ELABORE un plan de negocios analizando los posibles riesgos.
10. ELIJA un buen punto comercial para la ubicación de su empresa.
11. PREFIERA equipamientos o máquinas usadas para empezar (pero en buen estado).
12. OPTE por una estructura modesta en la que la principal fuerza de trabajo sea usted.
13. HAGA una reserva financiera para sus gastos personales y trate de no retirar dinero en los primeros seis meses.
14. SEPARE sus cuentas personales de las cuentas del negocio.
15. INVESTIGUE lo que establece la ley para su ramo de actividad y para la apertura de la empresa.
16. READ the consumer protection rules and adjust their activities to a set standards.
17. DEFINE your marketing strategy and communications.
18. Be invested in quality and customer service. Http://

10 Tips for this business idea = 4 & a
Video: Learn to undertake = related
Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Vs Entrepreneur

How I Generate Business Ideas?

Every business starts with a good idea. But many are unclear how to conceive. Keep an observer and creative attitude you close to the formula.
Creativity is a way of seeing things differently, do something new and better solutions to everyday problems. Therefore, listen, analyze, question, out of the paradigms, to be less formal, more loose and spontaneous, accepting new ideas, be proactive and innovative are some of the attitudes to be taken.
1. Own skills in many cases, the first thing a person should do when it comes to generating business ideas is a list of their skills, knowledge and education. A starting point is to take that idea that best match these skills. To set, ask yourself questions about yourself and record your answers. For example, what kind of things you enjoy? Would you rather do on a day off? What has always said that you want to do someday? What are the things that others will recognize? If you could design your perfect day, what would you do? What kind of things you dislike? Take the time to write their strengths and weaknesses, their likes and dislikes.

2. Brainstorming
Having identified your skills, play brainstorming. Record companies would agree with them. Almost all firms fall into one of three categories: produce, distribute products or provide services. Think about what attracts him more, and from this, take the decision.
Brainstorming is a way to generate as many as possible in a very short time by leveraging the power of the group and individual creativity. These ideas agree not discussed during the proceedings, not criticized the proposals of others, pets of any kind and quantity is important.
The method is to write all the ideas you group occur in a period of 30 minutes. After individually analyzing each of them to clarify and combine them into related categories. On the whole vote for each option and thus will be a list with the best ideas.

Other methods can also generate new business if you think about:

A. Problems / Needs: A large number of business ideas born of the problems that arise in daily life.
Make a list of problems or needs in the sites / activities. In college, at the gym, traveling, cooking, watching TV, on the bus, in the car. Once you have this list, choose a group problems or needs and try to find solutions through brainstorming.

B. Wishes: In the same way as in the previous step, identify those desires that people have everyday. The desires differ from the needs that are not essential for life.

C. Think of a product or service and try to generate new business ideas from:
- Change: What could replace the approach, materials, ingredients or aspect?
- Merge: What could be combined with an existing idea? Materials, attributes, colors, flavors.
- Adapt: \u200b\u200bWhat do you think of this idea? What could be copied?
- Increase or minimize: What if you add, lengthen or decrease?
- used for other purposes: "How else could use?
- Eliminate: What could be undone?
- Invest or reorder: What could move or look the other way around? For example, the heater is the opposite of the refrigerator. CUSTOMERS

Before evaluating their ideas and implement them, keep in mind that customers are most important. It is therefore necessary to investigate whether your product or service would have required buyers. Consider if you are offering meets a need of the society. To do this, you can conduct an investigation direct questions in malls, by mail or telephone. Ask people you know if you need your product or service, what they're looking into it and how much they were willing to pay. If possible, talk to some business people working in this industry for a better overview of the features, capabilities and customer needs.
However, finding a good business idea is just the beginning. You must work hard to achieve success in implementation. As Einstein said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99 perspiration." That is as true in business as in science. Then, act. (From Money magazine)
of entrepreneurship to Corporate Culture "

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Welcomeaddress Program Sample

SEGIB open call for awards to young innovators and entrepreneurs -

International - opens SEGIB of prizes to young innovators and entrepreneurs -
The General Secretariat (SEGIB) and the Foundation of Spain called today Everis Awards Iberoamerican for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, aimed at stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship among young Latin Americans.

The awards are directed to projects and companies led by people, especially those under 35, whose initiatives have been recognized previous national competitions with the SEGIB has signed agreements, such as Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Spain, the Ibero-American Secretariat said today in a statement.

Their work must belong to the categories described as 'projects' and 'Companies in motion', in which participants have the opportunity to present projects related to topics such as Technology, Environment and Process Management, among others.

This year there will be a total of four awards, among which are allocated the amount of 100,000 euros ($ 133,000).

SEGIB A member shall preside over the jury with the support of employers, public sector representatives and civil society in Latin American countries.

Presentation projects must be made before June 30, 2010 and winners will be announced in September.

Prizes will be awarded in Mar del Plata, Argentina, on 4 and 5 December, during the XX Summit of Heads of State and Government. "

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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diagrams and concept maps online

A few days ago I read in ' Simple Things' a collection of online tools for diagrams, flowcharts and concept maps, some of which are already known and used, and I decided to do a screen capture of the most interesting ( from my point of view), test and comment briefly here. On this subject I wrote a post on a website, linked to wikipedia, concept maps generated automatically call WikiMindMap .

Well, let's get ... ..

diag_bubbl.png is, of which recopidadas, the least likely, but the tradeoff is simple to use, intuitive and does not require registration in order to make the diagrams.


In the screenshot you can see the appearance of the diagrams, and the options displayed by placing the cursor over each of the blocks. As shown, the options are minimal.


Flowcahart , still in beta, has going for it which is a collaboration tool that allows several users belonging to the same real-time in creating diagrams. Disadvantages, there is little information on the website of the same (still unfinished) how will the project paths, so it is not known whether it will remain as a tool for free use.


The user interface is very complete, includes many options and the ability to include images in the chart. Their use requires free registration (for now).


Gliffy Is a tool I've used on occasion with more than satisfactory results. Can export diagrams to various image formats (such as png or jpg) or Visio program format (SVG). As an additional feature, to publish our work with a code to include in our web.


As shown in the screenshot the options menu is very complete (the right side has not been included in the catch due to lack of space, but consists of a series of windows with the properties of the edition to be changed). You can practically do everything. You may incorporate images of their own database application (Elements of user interface, networking, reliance, ...) directly from the user's hard drive or through the results of a search on yahoo images.


Mindmeister . Its use is simple, but the tradeoff has posca features. Of note, we assign icons to the provisions in the diagram to indicate mood, importance, .... Requires free registration for use.


The appearance of the user interface is quite nice and easy to use, but with few options.


Mindomo is after Gliffy, the most versatile of them all. The aspect of our diagrams is completely configurable, from the type, size, background color and text to the shape of the tables, globes, graphs, etc. Besides the inclusion of images from any source, we include in our project notes on the development of the icons of progress or importance, and even links to the web.


The appearance of the tool, as shown in the capture is superb. A shortcoming in performance, sometimes the positioning of each element generates a 'little war' with the system. As a note for, say that it is capable of exporting to various graphic formats and other formats such as pdf, rtf or plain text. Requires free registration.

Links Good response

Monday, March 22, 2010

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Good response of local developers A business interne stop buying and selling domains Foma

local developers software with an entrepreneurial spirit to participate in the discussion-workshops coordinated by the technical evaluator of the Trust Fund for the Promotion of Software Industry (FONSOFT) Valeria Becker, This instance of training organized by the activity helped to discuss the most frequent questions and reasons rejection more common in project formulation.

Becker attended the meeting said that developers who had already participated in previous calls and were interested in presenting new projects, "but most of these were people who present their projects for the first time, and attended to learn lines and learn more about ENTREPRENEURS, which is an interesting line, and this meeting represents a good opportunity to train human resources to the needs of businesses in the region. "

The maturing on April 29 will be the third call ENTREPRENEURS line. Its uniqueness is that it gives an opportunity for people who still has no economic activity, or young companies with less than two years to develop or improve a software product, to put on the market and that starts an activity culminating with the establishment of a new software company. The day

The proposal for this talk-shop was mainly to launch a call for entrepreneurs who have opened the FONSOFT at the moment, and then present the other lines of financing the Fund. But what is really pointing the meeting was to address the concerns of entrepreneurs, so after the broadcast of the instruments was organized a round of questions.

FONSOFT The technique reported that in this instance of Exchange, "who had already submitted projects made inquiries about running, while those interested in submitting a project consulted about whether they were part in this call, or how could occur, types of expenditure and doubts that could be included on the basis of the call. "He concluded:" It was a good day, there was a nice response, with many stakeholders and many questions, so I think that helped a lot of questions to each other. " Ana

Laffitte, deputy director of ACTI, stressed "the interpenetration of the public: the questions, contributions, really need to know these credit lines are mostly contributions are promoting software development in the Province Entre Rios. "

Laffitte said: "Last year we had an important presentation of projects that are still in evaluation, but also it often happens that one must learn to formulate projects and hence the need for these workshops. Valeria has been very clear, entertaining and enriching presentation, so it is desirable to keep bringing these experts so they can continue contributing to the province. "

initiatives in the region

" Last year there were also several projects came several people. This activity is growing almost twice every time and we are happy with that, they are running pretty good projects and we are trying to accommodate the needs of entrepreneurs and businesses "said Becker.


Through this line aims to promote entrepreneurship within the field of Software and Computer Services, and assist with the establishment of new business enterprises within the sector and consolidation of existing companies co-finance eligible projects. To do this, once approved projects will be awarded grants of up to 150 thousand pesos, which cover up to 50% of the total project cost. For the mode

I will finance projects that aim to implement technological innovation activities in line with the objectives of the call, while the mode II, for recipients of grants for entrepreneurs Fonsoft 2007 or 2008 that have successfully completed at least 70% of the subsidized project will be geared to a) extend the functionality of the original product developed in the previous call and b) engaging in placing on the market of the product developed in the previous call. "