Sunday, January 24, 2010

Manfrotto Statief 344 Br

Author: Str @ Strategy Magazine

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present some effective techniques that allow us to organize our work to gain the maximum possible time. In some cases, these techniques not only will help us better utilize our "times", but also, for example, avoid situations that cause stress or get better organized and so do not forget the really important tasks of higher priority, which really affect the achievement of our objectives. The techniques we present are: 1. Deciding work priorities
2. Make a record of activities
3. Develop an action plan

4. Lists of things to do

1. Deciding work priorities

An important part of "focus on results" is to work on what we will focus. Many people work very hard all day making small tasks that do not really affect the quality of their work.

This technique focuses on three areas - to clarify the things you enjoy, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and analyze what their work and what tasks it performs excellent.

Doing things we enjoy: It is important for our own quality of life we \u200b\u200benjoy our work. If we know fully what we like and dislike, we will be more capable of shifting the tasks to do the things we enjoy. This is important because we will have more chance to do our work efficiently if we love it if you detest.

Note that almost every job has tedious or unpleasant elements - it is important that these parts are made correctly. It depends on each one of us to minimize this.

Focusing on our strengths: It is also very important that we know what our talents and weaknesses. A good way to do this is the SWOT analysis. This provides a formal approach to assess our strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats we face, and raises awareness to find a job that better suits our strengths, and where not influence our weaknesses.

Understanding how to excel in our work

: An excellent way to ensure that we focus on the right things is that we agree on them with our employer.

should ask the following questions:

What is the purpose of our work? If possible, express the answer in a simple sentence that begins with the word 'To ...' - Eg 'To ensure effective distribution in the South' What are

measures of success? Set as your employer will determine whether we are good at doing the job or not. Find what are the key objectives to be achieved, and how these achievements will be measured.

What is exceptional performance? Find what may be considered in this way, and work on the way to go.

What are the priorities and time limits? We need to know this for when we are overloaded with work, to know that we must focus.

What resources are available? This ensures that we are using all the tools at our disposal.

What costs are acceptable? This allows to know the limits within which we can move.

How does this relate to other people? What is the framework within which we work?

If you have answers to these questions, we will know how to do our work in precisely the right way. If we know what an 'exceptional performance', we can plan how to achieve it using all the resources we have at our disposal.


This technique gives us three ways to determine our priorities at work:

(1) Focus on what you most enjoy. (2) Use the SWOT analysis to recognize our strengths and weaknesses. This will help leverage the strengths, minimize weaknesses, and move in the right direction. (3) Finally explains how to clarify our work with our employer, and concentrate on playing well in the areas he or she considers to be most important. Concentrating on the right priorities we ensure that we are always working as effectively as possible.

2. Activity Log Record

our activities will help to analyze how we are actually using our time. The first time we use a notation of the activities may be left aghast at the amount of time lost. Memory is a very poor guide when it's used to it - it's easy to forget time spent reading junk mail, talking to colleagues, making coffee, lunch, etc. We may be little

aware that our energy levels vary during the day - most people achieve different levels of effectiveness at different times of day. Our effectiveness can vary depending on the amount of sugar in the blood, how long ago since the last break, routine, stress, discomfort, or a host of other factors. There are also some good evidence that we have daily rhythms of alertness and energy (biorhythm).

keep a record of activities

: Keep a log of activities for several days will help us understand how we consume our time, and when we get our best performance. Without changing our behavior more than we do, we should note the things we made. Each time you change activity, when we read email, work, make coffee, dialogue with colleagues or anything else, note the time we do. As

activities recorded, noting also how we feel, on alert, flat, tired, energetic, and so on. Do this periodically throughout the day. Learn

annotations: Once you have made annotations for some days, we must analyze. Perhaps at this time we are alarmed by the large amount of time consumed by low-value tasks.

we may also see more energy in some parts of the day, and depressed in others. A lot of it depends on the foods we eat, schedules and how much we eat, and the quality of nutrition. The activity log gives us some basis for experimenting with these variables.


The activity log is a useful tool for auditing the way we use our time. It can also help detect changes in our energy, alertness and effectiveness throughout the day. Analyzing our activity log will be able to identify and eliminate loss of time or low-yield tasks. We also know the times of the day in which we are most effective, in order to carry out the tasks that we consider most important during those times.

3. Action Plan

An action plan is a list of tasks to be undertaken to achieve a goal.

Whenever we want to achieve something, we write a plan of action. This allows focus on the different stages of that achievement, and monitor progress through it.
To write an action plan, simply a list of tasks that we need to do to achieve attainment of a goal. This is simple, but still very useful.


An action plan is a list of things we need to do to achieve a goal. To use, simply must perform each task in the list.

4. Lists of things to do

A 'List of Things to Do' is a list of all the tasks we perform. This groups all the activities we do in one place. We can then prioritize these activities in order of importance. This allows the first deal of the most important.

The To-Do Lists are essential when you need to make a number of different tasks or different order, or when we have some commitments. If we find that we were always at fault for having forgotten to do something, then it's time to start using a 'To-Do List. "
Although the To-Do Lists are very simple, are extremely powerful, as a method to organize as well as a method to reduce stress. Often the problems can seem overwhelming or we can have an apparent large number requirements at the same time. This can make us feel out of control, and overburdened.

Prepare the list: The solution is often simple: write down the tasks that must be addressed, and if they are too long, split into its component elements. If they still seem long, re-split again. Make this until you have listed each of the things to do. Once we have done this, go one to one activities allocating priorities from A (very important) to F (negligible). If many activities have a high priority through the list again and mark those less important. Having done this, rewrite the list in priority order.

We need a plan so we can use to eliminate the problems we are having. We thus prepared to face them in order of importance. This allows separate the important tasks of the trivial time-consuming.

Use the list

: Different people use To-Do Lists in different ways in different situations: when in a sales role, a good way to motivate is to maintain our relatively short list and try to complete each day.
role in an operation, or if tasks are large and depend on many other people, then it might be better to keep a master list and a separate. We can change the unimportant tasks from one list to another. Thus they can not get to complete some low-priority activities for several months. We should only worry about them if they necessary - if we are to limit the time for them, then you have to increase their priorities.

If we have not ever used a list of things to do, should do: it is a key to start being really productive and efficient.


Prioritize a To-Do List is fundamentally important for efficient working. If we use these lists will be sure: remember to perform all necessary tasks. Will face the first major activities, and not waste time on tasks trivial. Stress will not have large volumes of minor tasks.



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